Saturday 2 May 2015

Moving On is OUT!

So the day has come, my first book Moving On is realised. This might be one of the scariest and nervous days in  my life, sharing a book that you had locked away for so long time. 
Now it out there for the world to read, and its scary what do they think about it, is it as good as I think, is it really bad and I was thinking it was good, so many things go through your head.
But I have said to myself that self publishing Moving On is amazing and that I am very proud to have a book that I think it amazing out there and get readers to love Kim and Nick just as much as I did.

I think the last time I was this nervous was when I was pregnant with my oldest, and as a new mum you think to yourself, will everything be okay, will the baby love me, will I drop them you have a thousand things going though your head, and today I have questions again.

My kids love me, and I didn't drop them either so I think that everything turned out great with my two boys so Moving On will turn out great too, I believe that.

I really can not wait for you all to read Moving On and let me know what you all think.

Order Moving On 

Amazon UK - Here
Amazon US - Here
Smashwords - Here
Itunes - Here
B&N - Here

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