So I know that I have been missing, and I don't have a good reason for it so I am not going to lie and make one up.
So what have I been doing?
I had a wedding at the weekend and that took a lot out of me, that all day Monday I sat and did nothing, I know that was very lazy of me, but I need that day, having two kids to look after at a wedding can take it out of you.
The rest of the week I have been writing my new book, which I am happy to say, that the fist draft is very close to being finished (yay) soon as that it put away for a few days I am going to start Moving Forward which I am very excited about writing I have so much going on in my head about what I want to write and how I want Kim and Nick's story to play out, can not wait for you all to read it.
I will be leaving my book for a few days, then pull it back out and start the editing. This story will be a stand alone, so there will be no cliffhangers :) I have enjoyed writing this story it is different from the Moving Series, but I think that I needed to write something different just to get my head away from Moving On, so that I would be ready to write Moving Forward, as I want Moving Forward to be more out there and push myself to write more into Kim's problems she will be facing with him and I want more of her past to come out, and I think I needed to get my mind away from it a little so that I could think about it more.
I am very happy that this is what I have done, as I have come up with some great ideas and can't wait to start writing them.
You can buy Moving On here
You can all buy Moving On
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I think stepping away for a bit is always healthy. otherwise you do tend to burn out. looking forward to the new book.